Daily Usenet report

Nov 24 15:00:01 -- Nov 25 15:00:02

Unknown entries from news log file:

First 50 / 730 lines (6.8%)

Nov 24 15:01:04 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <d25cf3a6-34e2-4581-988c-32e6354dce2dn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:01:08 colo-sc-1 innd: message repeated 2 times: [ ctlinnd command s]
Nov 24 15:01:34 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <f1a18fd1-80a9-4832-8dce-f0e9777c3cbdn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:03:24 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <4a9bb7be-9822-4b44-8a71-d9e684872b29n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:03:58 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <70c43458-0953-4788-a445-3d5cd057ed41n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:06:43 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <52cf07b8-a507-45a8-9040-e8b7af688724n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:09:21 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <ae13c024-4de0-4100-bb0b-04b6c6eaed59n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:11:02 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <2a6fc475-8bed-4289-96ce-b85b949a1431n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:11:13 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <a19c08e9-46ea-4a6f-aa97-c2d3e62b5ccfn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:11:50 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <3da6afcb-99e4-4c94-8d7c-c4c9cb9bf2een@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:15:02 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <5c81e3a2-7d9b-4183-8efe-06def88779c3n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:16:36 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <f9a64291-bc77-4a57-be66-8dd1d7a0436bn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:21:55 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <c2cbe30f-bc18-4ac0-bb12-766169fa0ae0n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:23:06 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <d050e59c-9636-44c9-a7e3-daedac22a1c9n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:24:40 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <972a5d88-79f8-4086-b549-48997ca3b924n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:25:03 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <2ed5f45e-e0af-4dae-8ab7-21069a9e12c1n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:25:22 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <3a7227dc-14ab-4aba-922d-3eb7377c2504n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:25:47 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <cc3887ec-bc3f-4dea-abfb-3fba330f7fb6n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:26:08 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <e1a10dd6-0114-4783-96fd-dce619a3c83dn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:26:30 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <703cfd24-a7e9-49fc-b28d-29fc5cfa74ccn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:26:49 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <cdd63666-b5c2-495f-98dc-ed7127f9a09bn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:31:52 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <f78f8b98-4705-406d-89a5-3639a5676698n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:35:02 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <f594c10c-7333-4c0f-83f5-0439abe910b9n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:37:23 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <9c99892b-20d5-482c-9c68-1d3c3c3e6f11n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:38:19 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <e4279707-00c0-4c66-bddc-4c8dbdee44d9n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:45:16 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <1f008391-98e9-48e0-bc56-b2d9558a00b5n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:46:16 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <50385352-9f76-4df9-8715-5aada84b7842n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:47:21 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <4643d940-a6b9-4163-820c-9fa142908243n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:49:37 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <f6178e7e-b076-4661-ad6f-35c370e82efcn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 15:50:43 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <487a79a6-12c8-4182-8791-6da2b744beebn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:00:34 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <94834d66-aebe-4cb3-a76a-2a0920d3f338n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:01:56 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <bef81ba9-2ea8-4a1c-bb08-3dc1032b8eban@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:03:34 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <6d07b7c3-a734-4fa0-8166-d39e9d52f98en@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:04:53 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <b7bef2f5-3d53-4d09-8c49-ca18960f1d5fn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:06:22 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <c87fd157-b05c-4688-8793-894424f75586n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:07:20 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <e08821f2-7f04-4f79-9040-a4faee50df51n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:07:32 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <261ac7fe-878c-4b07-98ed-e5c3beef1373n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:08:49 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <0dd8e2fd-688a-4f17-a6df-f2e70a33b56an@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:08:53 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <2be7a75a-a117-4690-b1ec-421c72646ad0n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:13:25 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <4e6d8b7a-800b-4423-b802-4c651f482fe6n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:17:25 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <08d32673-952d-46ea-af83-a1789a37a745n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:21:21 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <d6a92dea-69d8-4acc-b5ad-cf543f050efan@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:24:18 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <973635c9-7062-4c2b-8dde-402e8f71af0bn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:24:45 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <e9aa2f9f-99bb-45a6-9780-a19bd14f5627n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:25:41 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <6f9702cf-9b4d-45c9-b73c-68d83449bdc3n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:27:00 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <5c85f6b7-d330-46ed-8c80-c5a8a0b64342n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:27:23 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <647be86d-7e78-4eb8-9d52-f1053933ea47n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:27:49 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <a8d5f3dc-7edc-4d89-904a-f6ff7b926ae6n@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:28:02 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <5acda087-f750-44ca-b4f9-ef531c70932cn@googlegroups.com>
Nov 24 16:30:33 colo-sc-1 innd: filter: Accept Google Groups posting <7f3d627d-8867-451a-8cd5-d3d232d1d776n@googlegroups.com>

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 83999 51.4%13.2 MB 51.1%
innd 75982 46.5%12.1 MB 47.0%
innfeed 2064 1.3%305.0 KB 1.2%
cnfsstat 1152 0.7%180.6 KB 0.7%
controlchan 41 0.0%5.0 KB 0.0%
overchan 25 0.0%4.0 KB 0.0%
nnrpd 9 0.0%1.0 KB 0.0%
pgpverify 5 0.0%0.8 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 8 163277 100.0%25.7 MB100.0%

History cache:

Negative hits 131566 40.9%
Positive hits 120367 37.4%
Do not exist 69098 21.5%
Cache misses 422 0.1%
TOTAL: 4 321453 100.0%

INND timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article cancel00:00:00.202 0.0%41 0.000 4.927 16.400
article cleanup00:00:00.493 0.0%70075 0.000 0.007 0.022
article logging00:00:01.431 0.0%70080 0.006 0.020 0.039
article parse00:00:01.669 0.0%238074 0.003 0.007 0.017
article write00:00:00.744 0.0%9555 0.000 0.078 0.911
artlog/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%32 0.000 0.031 1.000
data move00:00:00.871 0.0%375217 0.000 0.002 0.016
hisgrep/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%40 0.000 0.000 0.000
hishave/artcncl00:00:00.001 0.0%41 0.000 0.024 0.100
history grep00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
history lookup00:00:02.272 0.0%325776 0.000 0.007 0.102
history sync00:00:00.013 0.0%250 0.000 0.052 1.000
history write00:00:08.845 0.0%70059 0.018 0.126 1.471
hiswrite/artcncl00:00:00.000 0.0%1 0.000 0.000 0.000
idle15:23:56.200 77.0%401614 63.397 138.034 370.415
nntp read00:00:03.192 0.0%441368 0.004 0.007 0.011
overview write00:00:00.034 0.0%9555 0.000 0.004 0.029
perl filter04:35:37.263 23.0%70059 145.339 236.048 309.303
python filter00:00:01.896 0.0%70059 0.011 0.027 0.053
site send00:00:01.976 0.0%28665 0.033 0.069 0.117
TOTAL: 20:00:39.33219:59:57.103 99.9%----

INNfeed timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
article new00:00:00.019 0.0%9409 0.000 0.002 0.036
article prepare00:00:00.001 0.0%4353 0.000 0.000 0.029
article read00:00:00.347 0.0%2743 0.000 0.127 4.811
backlog stats00:00:00.046 0.0%57411 0.000 0.001 0.013
callbacks00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
data read00:00:00.247 0.0%34999 0.000 0.007 0.028
data write00:00:00.708 0.0%26068 0.000 0.027 0.066
idle19:51:37.829100.0%57411 611.189 1245.368 3125.370
status file00:00:02.063 0.0%346 0.000 5.962 119.900
TOTAL: 19:51:57.16819:51:41.260100.0%----

nnrpd timer:

Code regionTimePctInvokedMin(ms)Avg(ms)Max(ms)
idle00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
newnews00:00:00.000 0.0%0 0.000 0.000 0.000
nntpwrite00:00:00.000 0.0%2 0.000 0.000 0.000
TOTAL: 00:00:00.05700:00:00.000 0.0%----

Control commands to INND:

flush 5
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
lowmark 1
mode 170
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reserve 2
shutdown 72
TOTAL: 11 262

Control Channel:

SendernewgrouprmgroupOtherBad PGPDoItOK

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1hasname-out.news.weretis.net 61 104312 7974 68362 27976 7%47:44:31
2news.nntp4.net 25 81407 1819 55358 24230 2%23:52:00
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com 297 44973 1495 22661 20817 3%22:20:15
4localhost 1 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
TOTAL: 4 384 230692 11288 146381 73023 4%93:56:46
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1hasname-out.news.weretis.net37.6 MB310.2 KB245.3 MB283.2 MB 13%8.1 KB
2news.nntp4.net5.3 MB150.5 KB211.4 MB216.8 MB 2%8.5 KB
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com4.4 MB27.2 KB155.7 MB160.2 MB 2%7.4 KB
4localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 447.4 MB488.0 KB612.4 MB660.2 MB 7%8.0 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

Nov 24 15:00:01 - 15:59:59 749 6.7% 0.212.7 MB 5.6% 0.76
Nov 24 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 847 7.5% 0.242.8 MB 5.9% 0.79
Nov 24 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 602 5.4% 0.172.3 MB 4.9% 0.66
Nov 24 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 743 6.6% 0.212.3 MB 4.9% 0.66
Nov 24 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 509 4.5% 0.142.0 MB 4.2% 0.56
Nov 24 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 614 5.5% 0.171.8 MB 3.8% 0.51
Nov 24 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 458 4.1% 0.131.5 MB 3.2% 0.43
Nov 24 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 523 4.7% 0.151.6 MB 3.4% 0.45
Nov 24 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 368 3.3% 0.101.5 MB 3.1% 0.41
Nov 25 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 322 2.9% 0.091.2 MB 2.6% 0.35
Nov 25 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 281 2.5% 0.081.1 MB 2.4% 0.32
Nov 25 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 246 2.2% 0.071.3 MB 2.8% 0.38
Nov 25 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 196 1.7% 0.051.5 MB 3.1% 0.42
Nov 25 04:00:00 - 04:59:59 250 2.2% 0.071.5 MB 3.1% 0.42
Nov 25 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 257 2.3% 0.071.5 MB 3.1% 0.42
Nov 25 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 287 2.6% 0.081.7 MB 3.6% 0.48
Nov 25 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 319 2.8% 0.091.8 MB 3.8% 0.51
Nov 25 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 471 4.2% 0.132.4 MB 5.0% 0.67
Nov 25 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 562 5.0% 0.162.7 MB 5.6% 0.75
Nov 25 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 522 4.7% 0.142.6 MB 5.6% 0.75
Nov 25 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 525 4.7% 0.152.6 MB 5.5% 0.74
Nov 25 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 542 4.8% 0.152.3 MB 4.8% 0.65
Nov 25 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 521 4.6% 0.142.4 MB 5.1% 0.69
Nov 25 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 509 4.5% 0.142.4 MB 5.0% 0.67
Nov 25 15:00:00 - 15:00:02 1 0.0% 0.502.1 KB 0.0% 1.06
TOTAL: 24:00:01 11224 100.0% 0.1347.3 MB 100.0% 0.56
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

CNFS buffer status:

EIGHTBIG4.0 GB2.9 GB 72.6% 1 0.00 0.00
FIVEBIG4.0 GB2.9 GB 72.6% 1 0.00 0.00
FOURDEFAULT1024.0 MB77.4 MB 7.6% 25 0.21 57.61
ONEDEFAULT1024.0 MB244.4 MB 23.9% 27 0.22 55.84
SEVENBIG4.0 GB2.9 GB 72.6% 1 0.00 0.00
SIXBIG4.0 GB2.9 GB 72.8% 1 0.00 0.00
THREEDEFAULT1024.0 MB86.7 MB 8.5% 25 0.21 58.01
TWODEFAULT1024.0 MB71.2 MB 7.0% 25 0.21 56.87
TOTAL: 8-20.0 GB12.1 GB 60.5% 106 0.21-

Sites sending bad articles:

1hasname-out.news.weretis.net 27898 6 0 27 0 0 0 027865
2news.nntp4.net 24123 2 0 16 0 0 0 024105
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com 20720 1123 0 2 1 0 0 019594
TOTAL: 3 72741 1131 0 45 1 0 0 071564

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

de.sci.announce 267
de.sci.medizin 221
fido7.pravda.news 166
linux.kernel.netdev 121
kraft.politics 69
fido7.pushkin.local 65
fido7.ukrnews 33
perl.cpan 28
kraft.talks 23
linux.kernel.git 23
odessa.news 22
fido7.fidonet.online 16
fido7.lorapvt.horo 12
kraft.vehicles 8
alt.stupid 8
mailing.unix.net-snmp-users 7
fido7.f715.techinfo 6
panix.chat.politics 3
fido7.crimea.robots 2
mailing.freebsd.fs 2
TOTAL: 43 1131

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

alt.penthouse.sex.spanking 1
TOTAL: 1 1

INND Perl filter [Top 20]:

Reject Google Groups posting to microsoft.public.project by SpamAssassin 11486
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.protocols.time.ntp by SpamAssassin 10712
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.editors by SpamAssassin 8403
EMP (md5) 8218
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.text.tex by SpamAssassin 4898
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.os.vms by SpamAssassin 3150
Reject Google Groups posting to bit.listserv.ibm-main by SpamAssassin 3098
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.cad.cadence by SpamAssassin 2805
Reject Google Groups posting to mozilla.dev.platform by SpamAssassin 2545
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.lang.verilog by SpamAssassin 1313
Reject Google Groups posting to soc.culture.punjab by SpamAssassin 1110
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.programming.threads by SpamAssassin 736
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.theory by SpamAssassin 604
Reject Google Groups posting to sci.lang by SpamAssassin 585
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.ai.neural-nets by SpamAssassin 569
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.arch.fpga by SpamAssassin 549
Too many newsgroups 498
Reject Google Groups posting to sci.lang.japan by SpamAssassin 493
Reject Google Groups posting to comp.lang.lisp by SpamAssassin 460
Reject Google Groups posting to rec.arts.tv by SpamAssassin 338
TOTAL: 657 71557

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

Including strange strings
hasname-out.news.weretis.net 6
news.nntp4.net 1
TOTAL: 2 7
TOTAL: 1 7

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1bbsgslincom 2887 2883 0 0 0 10 99%23:56:55
2nntp4 9887 419 8973 11 0 10 4%23:57:07
3weretis 3507 37 2701 108 0 1 1%23:57:14
4blueworldhosting 11068 0 9457 0 0 7 0%23:57:15
5aioe 0 0 0 0 0 11025 0%23:56:45
TOTAL: 5 27349 3339 21131 119 0 11053 12%119:45:16
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1bbsgslincom28.1 MB0.0 KB28.1 MB0.3 KB/s10.0 KB23:56:55
2nntp41004.9 KB23.3 KB1.0 MB0.0 KB/s2.4 KB23:57:07
3weretis75.9 KB169.9 KB245.7 KB0.0 KB/s1.7 KB23:57:14
4blueworldhosting0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:57:15
5aioe0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:56:45
TOTAL: 529.2 MB193.1 KB29.4 MB0.1 KB/s8.7 KB119:45:16
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume

NNRP total resource statistics [Top 20]:

SystemUser(ms)System(ms)Idle(ms)Elapsed 0.001 0.002 0.00000:00:00 0.002 0.001 0.00000:00:00
TOTAL: 2 0.003 0.003 0.00000:00:00

NNRP no permission clients:

SystemConn 1 1
TOTAL: 2 2